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Covered Fascia with Blackout Bedroom Curtains

fitted in Highgate, North London by Changing Curtains

blackout curtains with covered fascia

Single glazed sash windows with street lights outside, we fitted interlined, blackout lined curtains
and covered fascia


close up of covered fascia

The covered fascia fits tightly to the wall at the back, blackout lined pinch pleat curtains sit on the front,
overlap arms at the leading edge of each curtain for the centre (from this angle you can just see it peeping out)


blackout curtains and covered fascia

Curtains fitting closely to the walls on both sides, again keeping the light wash to a minimum


blackout curtains closed

I closed the curtains, but with a flash you can't tell how much blackout we achieved, and in the dark you can't see
the curtains, so I opened the door to let some light in from the hall


blackout curtains without flash

Here is a shot in the dark, this is how much darkness we could achieve in broad daylight
Not perfect, but not too bad.

For more photos of covered fascia please click here


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all rights reserved

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